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News and Letters

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  • Summer Newsletter 2022

    Published 02/09/22

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    It is that time of year again when we say goodbye to our children and families for a little while whilst we evaluate the year and plan for the next stage of our academy’s development towards becoming a GOOD school.

    I hope you can see the changes that are being made to put learning and education at the heart of our community and really impact positively on our children’s decisions in life.

    I have appointed high-quality, high-energy new teachers to join our experienced team in delivering a dynamic and fast-paced curriculum, and a new comprehensive programme of creative arts, music and sports.

    A trauma-informed approach to our Behaviour Policy and investment into our play-times is also currently underway, along with the development of a clear staffing structure to support our parents with their queries.

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  • Year 4 Multiplication Information for Parents and Carers

    Published 27/05/22
    • The MTC determines if Year 4 children can fluently recall their multiplication tables and are designed to help schools identify which children require more support to learn their times tables. 
    • There will be a 3-week window from Monday 6th June to Friday 24th June 2022 for schools to administer the check.
    • All eligible Year 4 children in England will be required to take the check.

    Below is a slideshow that contains detailed information about the upcoming Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check.

    If you would like to know more, or if you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

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  • Year 6 SATs​​​​​​​

    Published 06/05/22

    Dear Parent/Carer of Year 6 pupil,

    As you may be aware, from Monday 9th May our Year 6 pupils will sit their end of Key Stage examinations – otherwise known as their SATs.

    Our children have worked exceptionally hard for these tests and are ready and prepared to have a jolly good go at them. There may be butterflies in the tummies of our children but this just means that they care; and it is a great life skill to be able to overcome those feelings of nerves and anxiety and push through.

    8:30am start for breakfast together 

    Mrs Ali, Mr Ogilivie and Mrs Mumford invite your son, daughter or ward for breakfast everyday (Monday to Thursday) to calm the nerves and celebrate this very special time together.

    Please ensure that your child is at school for this slightly earlier time if possible, but the start of the school day at 8:55am is also acceptable.

    Please do not be late.

    Lots of rest at bedtime and be on time for school

    Please support your child to get a good night’s sleep before their tests and that they are not over stimulated with games, phones or devices until late into the night.

    Not only do these tests support us in demonstrating progress to reach our goal of being an outstanding academy eventually, but the results are passed onto your child’s high school and may determine sets or groupings in Year 7.

    It is so important for these tests to reflect the ability of your child so that their new high school teachers can support them as best as they can, especially after a significant loss to learning in recent years due to Covid.

    No phones please and no smart watches

    Mrs Ali and the team request that phones and smart watches are not brought to school at all from Monday please (or they are checked in at the office upon arrival), because if a phone or smart watch is accidentally left on their person it could lead to cheating accusation where all results would be void (not counted).

    Keep in touch with us

    As the week progresses, there may be something you want us to be aware of or request support in helping your child in for their SATs tests. We can help. Please keep in touch with us via the School Office on 652 5124.

    Please do not allow your child to miss these SATs tests.


    It feels like a whole week of tests is ahead for our Year 6 children but there are actually only six tests to complete. Most of them are first thing in the morning and the whole process is over by midday on Thursday.

    Please help us to reassure your children that this is very doable if we look after each other and ‘have a go’. Do not miss any of the tests as this will have a huge impact on the final results.

    Date SAT information  Start Time Finish Time Duration 
    Monday 9th May  English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling(Paper 1 Questions) 09:30 10:15 45 minutes
      English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling(Paper 2: Spelling) 11:00 11:15 15 minutes 
    *The test is not strictly timed
    Tuesday 10th May  English Reading  09:30 10:30 60 minutes
    Wednesday 11th May  Mathematics: Paper 1 Arithmetic 09:30 10:00 30 minutes
      Mathematics: Paper 2 Reasoning  11:00 11:40 40 minutes
    Thursday 12th May Mathematics: Paper 3 Reasoning  09:30 10:10 40 minutes

    Access Arrangements

    Some children will be receiving extra time (25%), transcription, touch-typing or regular prompting in line with their personal support plans and educational needs. Parents/carers will be notified by the class teacher if an access arrangement is in place for their child.

    Good times ahead

    If we have 100% attendance for all of these statutory tests, we have arranged a number of exciting events over the summer term to give our Year 6 pupils the send-off they deserve. This includes an overnight sleepover called ‘under the stars’, a leaver’s BBQ, campfire cooking, use of the MSE inflatables, film and popcorn and possibly a Year 6 production to end the year on a super high.

    Please do help us to make this summer a great success for your child and feel part of the Portland pack, which means a few days of knuckling down and working hard on these tests.

    Results will be sent home around the last week of the summer term.

    Thank you for your continued help and support and for preparing your child to be the best that they can be.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs C Peace


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  • Year 2 SATs​​​​​​​

    Published 06/05/22

    Dear Parent/Carer of Year 2 pupil,

    As you may be aware, May is the month that our Year 2 pupils sit their end of Key Stage examinations – otherwise known as their SATs.

    Our children have worked exceptionally hard for these tests and are ready and prepared to have a jolly good go at them. There may be butterflies in the tummies of our children but this just means that they care; and it is a great life skill to be able to overcome those feelings of nerves and anxiety and push through.

    Please don’t be late

    Miss Munnerley has worked very hard to plan for these tests being completed in a non-threatening, non-dramatic and calm manner. In fact, a lot of the school day will look the same for our Year 2 children but with some independent challenges thrown in.

    We do need your help though with one important aspect – punctuality. Please ensure that your child is at school for the start of the school day at 8:55am every day.

    Keep in touch with us

    As the month of May progresses, there may be something you want us to be aware of or request support in helping your child in for their SATs tests. We can help. Please keep in touch with us via the School Office on 652 5124.

    Please do not allow your child to miss time from their school day.


    Unlike the Year 6 tests, we don’t have a published timetable as we want these tests to be as low-key as possible and simply part of normal school life. If your child does mention them, or appears anxious, please do reassure them that tests are a life skill and a very big part of school life. And to just try your best. 

    Any problems or concerns please contact the School Office on 652 5124. Thank you for your continued help and support and for preparing your child to be the best that they can be.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs C Peace


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  • Mrs Allen is Leaving

    Published 01/04/22

    Dear Parent / Carer,

    It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share with our pupils, parents and community that Mrs Allen will be leaving Co-op Academy Portland at the end of this term, her last day with us being Friday 8th April.

    Mrs Allen has worked at the school for over 25 years and I know that many of you will have been taught by her.

    She will be hugely missed at Portland and will leave a gaping hole in our school community with the warmth, love and support she offers her colleagues, our families and our pupils.

    Please join me in wishing Mrs Allen all the luck in the world in her new adventures.

    Thank you Mrs Allen for everything you have done for us!

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs C Peace


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  • SATs Information for Parents and Carers​​​​​​​

    Published 29/03/22
    • SATs are the Standardised Assessment Tests that are given to children at the end of Key Stage 2.
    • The SATs take place over four days, starting on Monday 9th May ending on Thursday 12th May.

    Below is a link that contains detailed information about the upcoming SATs.

    If you would like to know more, or if you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

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  • We have achieved the FairAware Award!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Published 14/02/22

    “Fairtrade should be everywhere at the Academy. We really want to talk about it, share it, enjoy it, live it.”


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  • Train to Teach with Co-op Academies​​​​​​​

    Published 11/02/22

    Andy Gibson- Head of Early Career Framework with Initial Teacher Training

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  • New Year Updates and Guidance

    Published 05/01/22

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Happy New Year

    Welcome back everybody following the long Christmas holidays.

    Once again we are faced with new updates, guidance and restrictions due to the new Omicron Covid variant, but we are much more prepared for this and we hope to continue our incredible progress from where we left off last year.

    You will be pleased to know that not very much will change for our children inside school as we are not going back to bubbles or staggered starts and ends to the school day, and our children can continue to enjoy each other’s company and have visitors into the school as planned (although perhaps with a little more distance between them).

    The main difference to our children is that they will see their grown-ups wearing masks in the corridors, although, if any of our staff have to isolate, we may join classes together in order to keep all children in school. This may mean that our children work together on their tables and chairs in the hall – which will become their really big classroom!

    Our priority is to keep everyone safe but also to maintain every pupil staying in school as far as possible.

    Symptoms of Covid in School

    We know that it is cough and cold season and that our children will sometimes present with these symptoms. We are very used to this and will encourage using tissues, and sanitising hands regularly as normal, however at this risky time we may ask that an LFD is completed at home and a negative test obtained before your child returns to school as normal. We just need to keep as many of us free from Covid as possible.

    If anybody in your household is positive with Covid and your child is presenting with cough or cold symptoms in school then we will ask for a PCR test to be taken before returning to school. This is because it becomes a little more likely that your child has picked it up too.

    Covid Positive 

    If you are positive but your child is not then they can continue to come to school. The rule is that daily LFD tests are taken to ensure that the virus has not been passed on.

    If your child tests positive then they will need to isolate for 10 days. Early release from isolation is possible if a negative LFD test is obtained on Day 6 and Day 7 (please see guidance below).

    If your child has to isolate, and they are well enough, then they will attend their lessons from home – virtually. More information will follow from your class teacher if your child has to isolate but please do not worry as we will support you through this. Work packs are also available.

    Lunches will continue to be provided of course for our Free School Meal children. If this is a very pressing issue and you are in immediate need of food support for your family do not hesitate in contacting Mrs T.

    New Staff

    We are very excited to welcome new staff into the team this term to help support us in our efforts in closing any educational gaps that have come about due to Covid lockdowns.

    We welcome Mrs Stewart to her tutoring role supporting Reception and Year 1 children (our children know Mrs Stewart already!)

    We welcome Miss Allen to her Academic Mentor role working with Year 2 (and yes you do recognise her surname…).

    And finally, we welcome Mr Ogilvie to our Key Stage 2 team who will be working alongside Mrs Shaw in her KS2 tutoring role supporting children to meet their full potential

    All are fully qualified teachers and have been chosen especially for their warmth, kindness and skills in nurturing primary children. We hope you give them a brilliant Portland welcome!

    PE Kits

    We once again ask if our children can come in on their PE days in the school uniform kits please. This entails blue jogging bottoms, pumps/trainers and a white polo shirt and school jumper. Your child’s class teacher will remind you of the PE days via dojo.


    Please keep an eye out for the spring term enrichment slips which will go out to our families next week. These after school activities will begin the week commencing Monday 10th January.

    Applications for Reception (F2)

    Do you have a child born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018?

    There are only days left to apply for a Wirral primary school place. The closing date is 15th January 2022. At Co-op Academy Portland our Reception places are filling up fast.

    Visit the link below to apply or give Mrs McKay a call in the school office on 0151 652 5124.

    If your child is in a school nursery then they must still apply for a place as Reception places are not automatic. If you miss this date (late application) then your child may not get into a preferred school. If anyone needs help with this process, please do not hesitate to ask at our school office.

    Building Work

    As you may be aware Co-op Academies Trust has invested over half a million pounds into our academy buildings and premises but there is still lots to do.

    We are very excited to share our plans for a new waiting room at the front of our school. This will replace our small porch and will provide a private community room as well as a spacious and bright area to welcome visitors to our academy.

    Sadly, we do have to live through the building work which does precede this wonderful addition to our school. Work has already begun and we apologise in advance for any disruption or changes in the future to our entrances and exits to the school. We will ensure that you have plenty of notice of any changes that may affect you.

    Thank you

    I think you will agree that Co-op Academy Portland has the best team and have worked tirelessly to ensure that our Co-op families are all doing as well as possible in these tricky times.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if we help support you and your family in any way.

    Thank you for your continued support – stay safe. Don’t forget your masks when coming onto the school grounds.

    Your sincerely,

    Mrs Peace


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  • YourVoice | Parent and Carer Survey

    Published 23/11/21

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Every year, Co-op Academies Trust carries out an annual survey in all our academies and colleges. We survey all parents, students and staff, after which we review the results and put together action plans to make improvements where needed and do more of the things you tell us are going well. It is a hugely valuable experience and only works if everyone has their say.

    This survey is entirely anonymous. Individuals cannot be identified and no attempt will be made to do so – the aim of the questions are to get an overall opinion and to see where we can do better. You do not have to answer all the questions, you are able to leave some blank if you prefer but we ask you to be honest and complete these in order for us to fully understand the wider picture.

    You only need to complete the survey once and it closes on Monday 29 November 2021.

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  • Our staff enjoy success at Co-op Recognition Event 2021

    Published 15/11/21
    • Community Award Winners
    • The Succeed Together Award Winners – Office staff
    • Governing Body Award Winners
    • Geoff Clarke Award Winner – Mrs. Tolcher

    Our staff and academy enjoyed a great evening at this year’s Co-op Academies Trust Recognition Event. Each year colleagues from every academy in the Trust get together to celebrate achievements and successes. And this year we are delighted to have won several awards.

    Staff members nominate their colleagues each year who have gone above and beyond in their role; staff who have made a real impact on either the pupils’ at the academy, our families, our community and/or the staff themselves.

    We joined all of the other Primary academies at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester to celebrate and pay recognition to our colleagues and what they have achieved this past year.

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  • Pupils’ help make Literary Week a huge success!

    Published 15/11/21
    • Literary Week at our Academy
    • Every class read ‘Journey’ and then wrote their own story
    • Pupils’ were ‘caught reading’ in strange places, including inside a shopping trolley
    • Parents come in to the academy to read with their children
    • A wonderful week of enthusiasm, passion and great work

    Our pupils’ took part in Literary Week last week, a week that encourages our pupils’ to be creative and enhance their love for reading and writing. And they didn’t disappoint!

    Each class read the book ‘Journey’ – a story that, through pictures alone, tells the story of a young girl who uses a red crayon to escape a boring life and enter a world full of excitement and adventure.

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