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Career Related Learning

Our Vision

At Co-op Academy Portland, our plans for the development of Career Related Learning is to provide wide and varied opportunities to enable our pupils to broaden their horizons, to meet new people and, in turn, to raise their aspirations.


At Portland, we want our children to be able to make purposeful and deliberate links between their learning experiences, visiting speakers, seeing a range of workplaces and their own future.

Through CRL we aim to promote equality of opportunity, give exposure to the world of work, celebrate diversity and give our children an insight into the world of Science Technology Education Maths - as well as look at our locality and the jobs within it, for example, ship repair at Camell Lairds.


This June we will be holding our first Portland World Of Work Week - an entire week of planned learning activities and opportunities. We have planned for many visitors from a wide range of careers and between April and July we have planned visitors from the RAF, NHS, Ministry of Justice, The Aviation Industry, film makers and The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 

Our Career Related Learning Lead is Mrs Smith.