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Extra Curricular Clubs

We run a number of enrichment activities and clubs –  before, during and after school, throughout the year.

We change some of our clubs regularly so that all pupils can find a club they enjoy, because during our Student Council meetings, our children guided us to the kind of clubs they would like to be a part of, so we have strived to include more of their ideas.

As a result of our Student Council requests, we have added Cinema Club, Global Games, STEM Society, Craft and Create club, Mini Matisse Art Club, Gymnastics Club, and also Musical Theatre Club to name but a few.

Equally important we have retained a number of clubs where skills are acquired week by week, for example Karate Club is a club that runs all year round. 

These are the clubs will are providing during Autumn Term 1:

(awaiting confirmation)








Karate Club with Mrs Smith - Years 2-6 - (3.30-4.20)



If there are any other enrichment activities and clubs you think your child might enjoy – that we do not cater for, please raise this with your class teacher, and we will see if we can incorporate it into our growing timetable of enrichment activities and clubs. Or you could contact us via our school Facebook