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Attendance policy

Attendance Policy

This policy was adopted by Governing Body: Sept 2021

Review date: Sept 2022

Signature…………………………………..  (Chair of Governors)

Signature……………………………….…. (Headteacher)

For children at our school to gain the greatest benefit from education it is essential that they attend school regularly and punctually. They should only be absent from school when it is absolutely necessary.

School absence will disrupt a child’s learning and may affect their academic progress. It may also disrupt their friendships and impact on their social and emotional development. Children may be at risk of harm if they do not attend school regularly.

School attendance is given a high profile throughout the school because we know how important it is. It is discussed at all school assemblies, parents’ evenings, staff meetings and governors’ meetings. It is also included in school reports and newsletters. We also provide visual displays highlighting the importance of good attendance and punctuality in prominent positions throughout the school.

Reward Systems

Our school has a system of rewards for children whose attendance is good, improved or excellent. These include individual certificates, lolly lottery, whole class reward for the class with the best attendance each week.


If your child is sick or has a medical appointment it is important that you inform the school as soon as possible. Parents are able to inform the teachers through our Dojo system, or ring the school office. If the sickness continues for more than a few days we would expect you to consult your doctor and provide proof, this can be in the form of an appointment card, a prescription, or a medicine bottle.  If your child has ongoing health problems the school nurse may be able to help.

School Attendance Panels and Action Plans

If a child’s attendance becomes a source of concern, the school will write to the parent and they may be invited to a meeting or school attendance panel. The meeting will give an opportunity to discuss any concerns and to agree an Action Plan or Parenting Contract to support the family.

Persistent Absence

If a child’s attendance falls below 90% they will be defined by the Department of Education as Persistently Absent. At this level their progress and development may be significantly impaired. School will make contact with home (see above). The case may be referred to the Locality Attendance Office who would contact the family and offer to visit them at home to address any concerns and offer support.


Children need to be in the school yard at 8:55am each day to line up with their class. It’s important that all children make a good start to the day and are ready to learn. If a child arrives after 9:00 am but before 9:30am [when registers close] they will be given a late mark [L]. Children who arrive late are often embarrassed and may not be in the best frame of mind to begin learning. They may miss out on something important. If children arrive after 9:30 am [when registers close] they will be marked with a U which equates to an unauthorised absence.

Children Missing in Education

All children, regardless of their circumstances, are entitled to a full time education which is suitable to their age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs they may have. Local authorities have a duty to establish, as far as it is possible to do so, the identity of children of compulsory school age who are missing education in their area.

All schools must inform the local authority of any pupil who fails to attend school regularly, or has been absent without the school’s permission for a continuous period of 10 school days or more.

Parent’s legal responsibilities

The Education Act [1996] Section 444 requires parents to ensure that their children receive full-time education which suits their needs. Parents who fail in this duty may be prosecuted via the courts and fined up to £2 500 or, in some cases, imprisoned. The Anti Social Behaviour Act [2003] Section 23 also indicates parents may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice if their child’s absence from school is unauthorised. Fixed Penalty Notices are for £60 if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid within 28 days.

Holidays in term time

There is no threshold for holidays during term time, because this may impact on their progress. Head Teachers can't authorise holidays in term time. Parents who withdraw their children for unauthorised holidays in term time may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Further advice and guidance

Further advice and guidance may be found on the Department of Education website: